Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)

Platycerium bifurcatum

House Plant

Staghorn Fern Care: A Beginner's Oasis

Staghorn ferns (Platycerium spp.) are unique and visually striking plants that can be a wonderful addition to your garden. As a newcomer to gardening, you'll find that staghorn ferns are relatively low-maintenance, making them an excellent choice for beginners. This guide will provide you with essential information on how to care for and manage your staghorn fern.

Introduction to Staghorn Fern

The staghorn fern, often considered the 'modern art' of the plant world, can turn any garden into a gallery. But what's the story behind this plant? Originating from the rainforests, this fern, unlike its cousins, is an epiphyte, meaning it grows on other plants or trees.

Natural Habitat: Where They Thrive

Dwelling in the tropics of Southeast Asia, staghorn ferns have an exotic lineage. As epiphytes, they flourish on trees rather than in soil, making them unique in the plant kingdom. Their remarkable antler-like fronds evolved to catch falling forest debris, serving as a self-feeding mechanism.

Perfect Home Set-Up

Location, location, location! A shaded spot, perhaps beneath a tree or under a patio, is ideal. Pro tip: Using a wooden board for mounting can mimic the tree trunks they naturally cling to!

Creating the Perfect Natural Habitat Replica

Achieving a flourishing staghorn fern involves reimagining its natural environment.

Humidity Harmony

Emulate rainforest moisture by using room humidifiers, misting, or pebble water trays.

Temperature Tidbits

Staghorns relish temperatures between 60-80°F. If you’re thinking of placing them outside, ensure it's a spot shielded from strong winds and sudden temperature drops.

Air Circulation

Just like they would experience gentle breezes in a rainforest, they need good air movement. Avoid stagnant, stuffy spaces.

Mounting: The Science & the Art

Mounting is akin to giving your staghorn a home closely resembling its native habitat.

Choosing Your Base

Wooden plaques, boards, or even tree bark work wonders. The goal is to provide a sturdy base that complements their epiphytic nature.

Securing the Fern

Use non-copper wire or nylon stockings. Wrap it around the root ball, ensuring it's snug against the mounting base.

Masterclass on Watering Techniques

Watering staghorns isn’t about frequency, but precision.

Misting Methodology

Given their tropical origins, a good misting, especially on hot days, replicates the humidity they crave.

Deep Soak Strategy

Once every couple of weeks, let your fern bask in a gentle shower or immerse it in water for a short period.

Light Preferences: Nature’s Lullaby

Imagine a dappled sunlight filtering through dense forest canopies—that's the light ambiance your staghorn yearns for.

Intensity Insights

Bright but indirect light works best. Direct afternoon sun can be detrimental, causing the fronds to scorch.

Feeding Rituals: Ensuring Vital Growth

Feeding a staghorn isn’t just about nutrition; it's about timing and consistency.

Fertilization Fundamentals

A diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer monthly will keep them vibrant. Remember, in the wild, they feed on decomposing organic matter—emulate this with a rich feeding ritual.

Pruning & Grooming: The Art of Refinement

Pruning is the act of ensuring your fern’s vitality while preserving its aesthetic essence.

Eliminate the Old

Brown, dried-out fronds should be gently pruned, making way for fresh growth.

Propagation Secrets Revealed

Propagating staghorns is a delightful exercise in witnessing nature’s miracles.

Division Technique

Mature staghorns can be carefully divided, ensuring each division has roots. Place each division in a new mount or pot.

Tackling Common Challenges Head-On

From browning fronds to pesky pests, a proactive approach is vital.

Diagnose and Act

Regularly inspect your fern. Early detection of issues like fungal infections or pest infestations is half the battle won.

Mounting vs. Potting: The Eternal Debate

It's a matter of personal preference. While mounting mirrors their natural growth, potting provides flexibility. If opting for pots, use orchid bark or another quick-draining medium.

Wintering: A Survival Guide

Protect them from frost! Move them indoors, ensuring they still receive their required light and humidity.

Organic Pest Control: Earth’s Best Defenders

Using neem oil or insecticidal soap ensures your fern remains bug-free. Additionally, introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs can be a boon.

Fascinating Fern Facts to Impress Friends

Did you know the staghorn fern can live for several decades with proper care? Or that their 'antlers' are not just for show, but serve functional purposes in nutrient absorption?


1. Why are my staghorn fern's fronds turning brown?
Too much sunlight or underwatering could be culprits. Check your care routine.

2. Can I grow a staghorn fern from seeds?
Rarely. Propagation through division is more common and effective.

3. Why are there bugs on my fern?
Insects like scale and mealybugs are attracted to them. Eco-friendly solutions can help.

4. How big can these ferns grow?
They can grow quite large, up to several feet across with proper care.

5. Can staghorn ferns survive frost?
No. If temperatures drop below 50°F (10°C), it's time to move them indoors.

Staghorn Fern Conclusion

Caring for a staghorn fern is like nurturing a friendship. It requires patience, understanding, and consistency. And in return? You get a thriving, captivating addition to your garden or home. Ready to embark on this green journey?

Plant Specifics
Common Names
Light Requirements (PAR):
150 μmol/m2/s - 300 μmol/m2/s
Daily Light Integer (DLI):
12 μmol/m2/s - 14 μmol/m2/s
Soil Composition:
Well Draining Loamy
Soil Moisture:
Moist, not Waterlogged
Soil pH:
6.0 - 7.0
Relative Humidity:
50% - 60%
Temperature Range:
45°F - 75°F (7°C - 24°C)
Kid Friendly:
Pet Friendly: